Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reflection of the Past

    At the beginning of the quarter, I did not see myself as that strong of a writer or a reader. I have always had troubles in school when it comes to comprehending an article and writing about it later. I haven't got any better at writing about an article or an essay, but I do feel I have an easier time with expressing in words what my mind is saying. Having my peers critique my writing made things a "gabillion" times easier for me. It is really nice to receive help form others in the class, as well as give out my own advice. My father has always said, "You don't know something until you can teach it to someone else." Until now, I thought he was full of it, but after editing my peer's papers, I started to see the same mistakes in my own writing. Now I feel more confident in my writing abilities, as well as my comprehension skills.

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