Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Topic Proposal

With all these Starbucks opening left and right, I wonder to myself, what is all this coffee doing to our bodies? I would like to do research on the pros or cons of caffeine, and if the coffee (caffeine aside) itself benefits our bodies. This topic would be for anyone who drinks coffee, or even caffeine drinks, and is wondering the effect of drinking them. Since there is a Starbucks, or any other coffee shop, on every block, our society seems to be addicted to caffeine and it may be really hurting us.
I only know 2 things about coffee, I like it and World Market has some very good coffee. I would like to look further into it. I know there are differences in aroma/flavor depending on where the beans are grown. I also know there are different roasts, medium/french. The thing I would like to know if there are certain coffees that help with more than just clearing the cobwebs. I would also like to know the differences in caffeine with the roast, and find out why there are different roasting levels. I have no idea about how caffeine effects the body, so I would research and talk about that.
If I found coffee was unhealthy for the body, then I would look into what the laws are to do with caffeine and see what is trying to be passed in legislation.


  1. This sounds very intriguing being a coffee junkie myself. I've noticed in places outside the pacific northwest, it was very difficult for me to find the variety I was used to, but I digress. Since I am a complete addict, I feel like this would be quite an interesting research paper. Maybe also address the nation's dependancy on caffeine, unless that kinda goes away from what you want in your paper.

  2. i think that this would be a very interesting research paper cause i myself dont really understand how caffie effects the body or how u can even get addicted to it. I think that you will beable too find alot of good information on the topic and you should be able to discuss this topic real well.

  3. This sounds like it will be a good topic for your research paper since, like you said, almost everyone is addicted to coffee. I also have never thought about the different ways caffeine affects the body and the different levels of caffeine in different roasts so it should be interesting to research. Another aspect of your research you can look into too, like brianna said, is why different parts of the US do not carry different kinds of coffee because I found it was very difficult to find white coffee in other areas of the US, when majority of the coffee shops here carry it.
